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Where is common.min.js located in Splunk?


Hi All,

We are working on a project which involves custom branding. We are using a tool called Splunk. We need to add a label along with the Splunk logo. We investigated with firebug and we could see that there is a reference to that splunk logo in common.js and common.min.js file. We are using splunk version 6.2. We located the common.js file in the below path.

Path :home dir\Splunk\share\splunk\search_mrsparkle\exposed\js\build\bundles\common.js

When we changed the logo in common.js file, we were able to see the changes, reflected.

So we tried to searched for the common.min.js file, but we were not able to locate that file.

Can some one throw some light on where this common.min.js file will be located? If we are able to locate it, we will be able to make our branding changes.

From the Firebug, we are able to see that that common.min.js file is located in the http://domainname/static/@245427/js path. We are not able to locate that file in our server.

Any help on this is appreciated.

0 Karma

Super Champion

@sajoseph May I please know how did you change top left corner splunk> logo editing common.js file?
Its urgent........thank you.

0 Karma


you can find this path in

0 Karma


Thanks Juvetm for the info. I need to find the common.min.js. file in the Splunk product. I am not able to find the /public_html/javascript.... in the splunk installation. We are aiming at custom branding in the Splunk tool. and the Splunk logo is referenced in "common.min.js." file

0 Karma


were you using splunk to find this path

0 Karma
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