I am creating a dashboard where I need to use the density function to show anomalies as follows:
| tstats count as total where index=dns by _time span=1h
| fit DensityFunction total dist=norm show_density=true
| bin total bins=100
| stats count avg("ProbabilityDensity(total)") as pd by total
However, when using the ProbabilityDensity function within the machine learning app in Splunk, no results are outputted.
In addition, I see no Probability Density macros "out-of-the-box" within the Machine Learning app either.
What is the definition of this DensityFunction macro so I can create it or do I need to download this macro?
Many thanks,
Is Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit correctly installed? $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/Splunk_ML_Toolkit/bin/algos/DensityFunction.py should be present.
Are you receiving any errors or warnings after the fit command?