Hello all,
My ultimate goal is to have a button (or buttons) on a Splunk dashboard which will inform other users when they have left their desk.
my current method is to add a clickable button using HTML on a HTML converted dashboard which will execute a cURL command. The cURL command is used to send data via the HTTP Event Collector to an index which would have the latest status of each user. I am able to execute the cURL command just fine with what I have below in the CLI:
curl -k https://<HOST>:8088/services/collector -H 'Authorization: Splunk <TOKEN>' -d '{"sourcetype": "cURL", "event":"name=JOHN location=WEST status=OUT"}'
I've attempted to convert the cURL command to an HTML form for the dashboard but what I'm using doesn't pass the HEC token properly:
<form ref='uploadForm'
<input type='hidden' type="location" name="West" value="West" />
<input type='hidden' type="name" name="John" value="John" />
<input type='hidden' type="status" name="Out" value="Out" />
<input type='submit' value='John is out' />
When using the above HTML, I get the following error:
{"text":"Token is required","code":2}
Any guidance on how to pass the HEC token or a more efficient method would be greatly appreciated.
This link could be of some use to embed curl command to HTML.