Dashboards & Visualizations

Unable to pass the correct timevalue for drilldown


I am passing the timevalue and hostname from table 1 in panel1 to another query/panel in the same dashboard 

Here is a sample time format : 2021-02-14 19:04:34

I first had the time as column 2 and tries all combinations of eval

<eval token>="e">strptime($click.value2$,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N")</eval>

<eval token="l">strptime($row._time$,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N")+1200</eval>

When I printed $e$ and $l$ said NaN

Then I made it column 1 and used this combination of eval 

<eval token>="e">$click.value$-600</eval>
<eval token>="l">relative_time($click.value$,"+5m")</eval>

When I printed $e$ it said 1421 and $l$ said NaN



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1 Solution


I seems to recall that $row._time$ is fiddly and I can't remember how to process it in tokens, but this is a simple solution that calculates the future time in the first result set, but just doesn't display it and then just use the value in the drilldown

          <query>| makeresults
          | eval x=1
          | eval f=_time+1200
| table _time x f</query>
        <option name="drilldown">row</option>
        <option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
        <fields>_time, x</fields>
          <set token="f">$row.f$</set>
            | makeresults
            | eval f=$f$
            | eval ft=strftime(f, "%F %T")
            | table f ft

Hope this helps

View solution in original post


I seems to recall that $row._time$ is fiddly and I can't remember how to process it in tokens, but this is a simple solution that calculates the future time in the first result set, but just doesn't display it and then just use the value in the drilldown

          <query>| makeresults
          | eval x=1
          | eval f=_time+1200
| table _time x f</query>
        <option name="drilldown">row</option>
        <option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
        <fields>_time, x</fields>
          <set token="f">$row.f$</set>
            | makeresults
            | eval f=$f$
            | eval ft=strftime(f, "%F %T")
            | table f ft

Hope this helps

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