Ok need help with a trend line. I have a search that shows just the previous quarter. I need the trend line in my single value chart to show values from a rolling 13 month period that we normally set with a time picker. The search uses earliest and latest in it to force results for quarter. The trend line has to have a different time period. Example search below. Thoughts?
index=foo sourcetype=footype source=foosource earliest=-2q@q latest=-1q@q
| eval indextime=_indextime
| dedup source _time sortby -indextime -_time
| stats sum("Regulatory Issue Med") AS med sum("Regulatory Issue High") AS high sum("Regulatory Issue Low") AS low by _time
| eval total=(low + med + high)
| bin _time span=1month
| stats sum(total) as Total by _time
I am thinking I need to take a different stance. If I change my search to default to the time picker (which defaults to the 13 month time frame mentioned), how can I make the timechart only show the last quarter?
try using join
then forcing the time range just like you have done above in your sub search. Be aware of subsearch timeouts though, I believe default is 60 seconds.
If I do a join with same search, changing earliest=-13mon@mon latest=-1mon@mon, how would I use those results as the trendline? Is that even possible with the single value visualization?