I am trying to set a token when someone uses a hyperlink in a dashboard, in theory using the details below as part of the href should work but it is not, does anyone have any thoughts on how to get it to work?
data-set-token="token" data-value="new token value"
I am on version 7.3.
Many thanks for your time.
<set token="a_link">$click.value2$</set>
<eval token="url">mvindex(split($a_link$,"/"),2)</eval>
<link target="_blank">
<![CDATA[ https://$url$ ]]></link>
like that.
Hi there,
Many thanks for a speedy reply.
We need to have a html panel (don't ask 😉 ) giving some information to dashboard visitors with links as part of the information, so drill downs are not an option.
panel > html
1st sentence for visitors - LINK1a LINK1b
2nd sentence for visitors - LINK2
3rd sentence for visitors - LINK3
html > panel
<p>1st sentence<a href="https://$url1|u$">$url1$</a></p>
<p>2nd sentence<a href="https://$url2|u$">$url2$</a></p>
<p>3rd sentence<a href="https://$url3|u$">$url3$</a></p>
The main issue, it is that the methods for setting tokens does not appear to be working (the links is not the problem):
data-value="new token value"
Is not passing updated token value to token1
your question is wrong? Tokens not setting in hyperlink