Hi Team,
I am trying to create timechart addtotals value. But when I using the query, I am getting Total, others and few more lines. Please let me know how to suppress/hide all line other than addtotals (Total) value.
index=int_gcg_apac_pcf_application_dm_169688 OR index=int_gcg_apac_pcf_foundation_dm_169688 cf_org_name=* cf_space_name=* cf_app_name=* instance_index=*|bucket _time span=1m| dedup _time cf_org_name cf_space_name cf_app_name instance_index| fields _time cf_org_name cf_space_name cf_app_name instance_index|timechart span=1m count(instance_index) by cf_app_name | addtotals
thanks you so much. It worked. \
| fields _time Total