I'm trying to create a stacked chart with the following data:
y-axis: Number of Change Requests per Reason (stacked)
x-axis: by Week (format: 2017-01-23, 2017-01-30, n)
Result: The Number of Change Requests per Reason (stacked) by Week in the past 2 months
index=snow sourcetype="snow:change_request" reason="Firewall*"
| eval impDate= strptime(u_actual_impl_end_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| where impDate>=relative_time(now(),"-2mon")
| dedup number
Maybe this:
index=snow sourcetype="snow:change_request" reason="Firewall*"
| eval _time = strptime(u_actual_impl_end_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| where _time >= relative_time(now(),"-2mon")
| dedup number
| timechart span=1w count BY reason
Hi tmaltizo, do you have timestamps in your events?
if you do try this:
index=snow sourcetype="snow:change_request" reason="Firewall*" | timechart span=7d count(reason)
hope it helps