Dear Splunkers,
I am running through an issue concerning the SplunkBar that is empty in some view.
As long as I am navigating in my app ([splunk-adress]/app/myapp), everything is normal. The Splunk Bar appears on top of my view, and disappears when I am using hideSplunkBar=true.
My problem is that when I am clicking on any element of the settings page in the Settings>Knowledge Category (red square on the picture), the bar is totally empty and I have the following error in the console: Uncaught TypeError : Splunk.Module is undefined. <anonymous> [splunk adress] /en-Us/manager/system/advandedsearch. The problem does not appear on the other categories of Settings (green square on the picture). I tried adding hideChrome=false and hideSplunkBar=false at the end of the url but it didn't do anything. I tried searching for the advancedsearch folder but didn't manage to find it.
Has anyone already encountered this problem or knows how to solve it?
[Update] : After more investigation I found out that the problem also occured on Splunk version and occures on the views that are using the template [splunk_home]/.../templates/layout/base.html
Thank you in advance,
@Hi @christophecris
Good day to you. more details needed pls:
1) is it a test/dev or prod instance?
2) do you only face this issue or your colleagues as well?
3) any recent changes / upgrades in the Splunk Enterprise (or is it the Splunk Cloud)
4) is it python 2 or 3 ?
5) are you a user with most access privilege's or is the access very tightly customized one?
6)did someone play with Splunk menu navigations xml file?
thanks and best regards
(PS - my karma stats - given 2000 and received 500. thanks for reading )
Hi @inventsekar
Here are the answers to your questions :
This is a dev/test instance, and my collegues are facing the same issue.
I am using Splunk Enterprise (Splunk-9.2.1-78803f08aabb.x86_64.rpm) on SLES 12 SP5. Splunk is using its built-in python 3.7.
I tried reproducing the problem with several users with different level of access and it occured everytime, including with the admin account (with the most access).
Do you know where I could find the menu navigation xml file ?
Thank you for your help !
@christophecris This looks like python core functionality is broken? any details about your instance? what version? This might be a bug or incompatible OS package.
Did this happen after a change? or an upgrade?
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Hi @sainag_splunk,
I am using Splunk Enterprise (Splunk-9.2.1-78803f08aabb.x86_64.rpm) on SLES 12 SP5. Splunk is using its built-in python 3.7. After more investigation I found out that the problem also occured on Splunk version so it might not be linked to a recent update or change. I found out that the problem occures on the views that are using the template [splunk_home]/.../templates/layout/base.html. Do you have any clues about what could cause the problem ?
Thanks for you reply !
@christophecris Please open a support case to get this checked.
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