Hello splunkers!
I'm still learning how javascript works and how it works with splunk and I'm trying to do something simple, calling a function from one JS, like a library, but I don´t know what I'm doing wrong.
In this case I have a javascript called myLib.js which is this
function doAlert(){
alert("It works!");
And I have another javascript called myJS.js which is like this
], function (mvc) {
/* Stuff */
$(document).ready(function () {
console.log("Document Ready!");
/* More stuff */
$("#myButton").on("click", doAlert);
console.log("Document Ready Done!");
On my xml I also have a button myButton but the problem is that I'm getting this messages on console.
at makeError (eval at module.exports (common.js:248), :166:17)
at HTMLScriptElement.onScriptError (eval at module.exports (common.js:248), :1689:36)
I checked requiredjs error info but the only thing it says it's that I have an error on my script but it's only a function, I don't see any problem.
I tried to put myLib.js in script=" " tag, writting it without .js, making a var myLib = require('myLib'); but always it's the same error.
It must be something really simple but I dont see it.
Please, can you help me with this problem?
Many thanks!
I think the docs here will do a good job of walking you through what you're trying to do:
This is also a really good previous answer that walks through how to integrate with require
Start by looking at how to integrate your code in here:
], function (mvc) {...
I believe the only library you can import in require without adding the name into the function argument list is splunkjs/mvc/simplexml/ready!
. So that snippet above should probably be more like this:
], function (myLib, mvc, SearchManager) {...
and then when you want to reference the doAlert
function, I believe you'll need to reference it within the myLib namespace: myLib.doAlert()
But the guides will be a great place to help you understand the nitty gritty and save you a lot of pain as you develop.
I think the docs here will do a good job of walking you through what you're trying to do:
This is also a really good previous answer that walks through how to integrate with require
Start by looking at how to integrate your code in here:
], function (mvc) {...
I believe the only library you can import in require without adding the name into the function argument list is splunkjs/mvc/simplexml/ready!
. So that snippet above should probably be more like this:
], function (myLib, mvc, SearchManager) {...
and then when you want to reference the doAlert
function, I believe you'll need to reference it within the myLib namespace: myLib.doAlert()
But the guides will be a great place to help you understand the nitty gritty and save you a lot of pain as you develop.
Hi eliot,
thank you for the quick reply, it helped me a lot! Now I understand more about loading libraries and also I have cleaned my code.
I have been digging a little and I have found what it was wrong on my code.
First I needed to add a define([]) clause on myLib and return it.
define(["splunkjs/mvc/simplexml/ready!"], function () {
return myLib = (function () {
var myLib = {
doAlert: function(){
console.log("It Works!");
return myLib;
Then on main.js I specified the route for the lib on the app
], function (myLib,mvc) {
Finally on a more deep digging, I found where are all the js splunk use, like mvc. There are on /share/splunk/search_mrsparkle/exposed/js
Thank you for all your help!
Best regards!
thanks for your example, but I am facing some difficulties in importing a little complex js file that expose some functions.
The complete code is here
This is the beginning of the js file:
!function(t, e) {
"object" == typeof exports && "object" == typeof module ? module.exports = e() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define("cronstrue", [], e) : "object" == typeof exports ? exports.cronstrue = e() : t.cronstrue = e()
}(globalThis, (function() {
return (()=>{
"use strict";
var t = {
794: (t,e,n)=>{
Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
value: !0
e.CronParser = void 0
The end of the code is this:
, e = {};
function n(r) {
var o = e[r];
if (void 0 !== o)
return o.exports;
var i = e[r] = {
exports: {}
return t[r](i, i.exports, n),
var r = {};
return (()=>{
var t = r;
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
t.toString = void 0;
var e = n(728)
, o = n(336);
e.ExpressionDescriptor.initialize(new o.enLocaleLoader),
t.default = e.ExpressionDescriptor;
var i = e.ExpressionDescriptor.toString;
t.toString = i
How can I import this, please?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Luca Caldiero