Dashboards & Visualizations

Set Custom TimeRange picker on Specific Splunk Studio Dashboard


I want to customize the Splunk studio dashboard in such a way that it shows last 7 days (each day) separately.  The requirement is only one dashboard. not globally. 

Today's date is 2nd May 2024. Now I want to showcase historical day here for last 7 days separately.
I want options like below in the presets so that if they select that day then users would see that day's data.
The historical dates should change dynamically.

1st May
31st April
30th April
29th April
28th April
27th April
26th April


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1 Solution


Set your dropdown to this dynamic data source

| makeresults
| eval day=mvrange(0,7)
| mvexpand day
| eval day=relative_time(now(),"@d-".(1+day)."d")
| eval suffix=tonumber(trim(strftime(day, "%e")))
| eval suffix=case(suffix%10 == 1, "st", suffix%10 == 2, "nd", suffix%10 == 3, "rd", true(), "th")
| eval day=strftime(day,"%e").suffix." ".strftime(day,"%B")
| table day

View solution in original post


Set your dropdown to this dynamic data source

| makeresults
| eval day=mvrange(0,7)
| mvexpand day
| eval day=relative_time(now(),"@d-".(1+day)."d")
| eval suffix=tonumber(trim(strftime(day, "%e")))
| eval suffix=case(suffix%10 == 1, "st", suffix%10 == 2, "nd", suffix%10 == 3, "rd", true(), "th")
| eval day=strftime(day,"%e").suffix." ".strftime(day,"%B")
| table day


This is exactly what I was looking for.
but is it possible to incorporate along with the existing Time Range Picker?

0 Karma


If you mean to change the standard timepicker to include your special options into a modified timepicker, try adding new timeranges: Time ranges are configured in Settings -> Knowledge -> User interface -> Time ranges section of the Splunk interface.

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