Dashboards & Visualizations

Sendemail command: How to include the "view dashboard" link when scheduling a PDF?



I am scheduling a PDF for a dashboard using the sendemail command. Why does it not print "View dashboard" link in the message? Is it possible to add it?

0 Karma


Adding the below property to the corresponding entry in savedsearches.cond will add the view link

action.email.include.view_link = 1
0 Karma


Thanks for your inputs.
Biut I believe this will only help if I am scheduling my saved search to send its results as an email . I am calling sendemail in my search to schedule a view as pdf.

0 Karma


For that also an entry will be created in savedsearch.conf file.. Please try changing that

0 Karma


Entry will be created inside users folder splunk/etc/users/userName/AppName/local/savedsearches.conf

0 Karma
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