There are three different events "input param" ,"sqs sent count", "total message published to SQS successfully"
with the first event "input param"- I am trying to fetch different entity say material/supplied material
with the 2nd event "sqs sent count"-getting the total sqs sent count for that particular material or supplied material
with the 3rd event "total message published to SQS successfully"-getting the count of total message published.
Now i want then to publish in a single row for all those count displayed in table for a single objectype to get in one dashboard panel
Then do a total counts for each columns and displays as a single row which will display in other panel of dashboard
You can't have multiple columns with the same name so try this
index= source IN ("") "uniqObjectIds" OR "data retrieved for Ids" | eval PST=_time-28800 | eval PST_TIME=strftime(PST, "%Y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S") | spath output=uniqObjectIds path=uniqObjectIds{} |where isnotnull(uniqObjectIds) | spath output=uniqueRetrievedIds path=uniqueRetrievedIds{}| stats values(*) as * by _raw | table uniqObjectIds,uniqObjectIdsCount,uniqObjectIds{},PST_TIME | sort- PST_TIME
| appendcols [search index= source IN ("") "data retrieved for Ids"| eval PST=_time-28800 | eval PST_TIME2=strftime(PST, "%Y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S") | spath output=uniqueRetrievedIds path=uniqueRetrievedIds{} |where isnotnull(uniqueRetrievedIds)| stats values(*) as * by _raw | table uniqueRetrievedIds{},uniqueRetrievedIds, PST_TIME2 | sort- PST_TIME2 ]
| appendcols [search index= source IN ("") "data not found for Ids"| eval PST=_time-28800 | eval PST_TIME3=strftime(PST, "%Y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S") | spath output=dataNotFoundIds path=dataNotFoundIds{}|where isnotnull(dataNotFoundIds) | stats values(*) as * by _raw | table dataNotFoundIds{},dataNotFoundIdsCount, PST_TIME3 | sort- PST_TIME3 ]
You can use addtotals to sum the numbers. Is this what you are after?
If not, how do you correlate different events to generate separate rows with their respective counts?
Hi @nithys,
could you share some samples of your logs and your search (please both in text format, not screenshot)?
Hi @gcusello
Below is the query.....Firstly I want them to get aligned all rows with each values in a single row.Currently there are 3 different rows for 1 particular result.....then apply sum of columns
index="" source IN "" "input params" OR "sqs sent count" OR "Total messages published to SQS successfully" | rex "\"objectType\":\"(?<objectType>[^\"]+)"
| rex "\"objectIdsCount\":\"(?<objectIdsCount>[^\"]+)"
| rex "\"sqsSentCount\":\"(?<sqsSentCount>[^\"]+)"
| rex "\"totalMessagesPublishedToSQS\":\"(?<totalMessagesPublishedToSQS>[^\"]+)"
| table objectType,objectIdsCount,sqsSentCount,totalMessagesPublishedToSQS
Hi @nithys ,
without a sample of your logs I cannot check yur regexes and I don't understand what't the key to correlate values because it seems that there isn't any common key to use in a stats command.
Hi @gcusello @ITWhisperer
I have same source and index for below two events
first event:
{ [-]
level: 30
msg: data retrieved for Ids
pid: 8
uniqueRetrievedIds: [ [-
v: 0
second event:
{ [-]
level: 30
msg: unique objectIds
pid: 8
uniqObjectIds: [ [-]
uniqObjectIdsCount: 1
v: 0
There is no common key in these two events,but want to have in table view
1.Currently uniqObjectIds,uniqueRetrievedIds are displayed in two rows in a table view,wanted as a single row
2.How to combine multiple event in a single query if there is no common key
index= "" source IN ("") "uniqObjectIds" OR "data retrieved for Ids"
| spath output=uniqObjectIds path=uniqObjectIds{} | spath output=uniqueRetrievedIds path=uniqueRetrievedIds{} | eval PST=_time-28800 | eval PST_TIME=strftime(PST, "%Y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S") | eval split_field= split(_raw, "Z\"}") | mvexpand split_field | rex field=split_field "objectIdsCount=(?<objectIdsCount>[^,]+)" | rex field=split_field "uniqObjectIdsCount=(?<uniqObjectIdsCount>[^,]+)" | rex field=split_field "recordsCount=(?<recordsCount>[^,]+)" | rex field=split_field "sqsSentCount=(?<sqsSentCount>[^,]+)" | table_time,PST_TIME,objectType,objectIdsCount,uniqObjectIdsCount,recordsCount,sqsSentCount,uniqObjectIds,uniqueRetrievedIds | sort _time desc
Please share the raw unformatted sample event in a code block </> to preserve the original formatting.
Hi @ITWhisperer
Below are the raw events which are need to be displayed in table format in a single row for below events with no common key value
{"name":"","awsRequestId":"","hostname":"","pid":8,"level":30,"uniqObjectIds":["275649"],"uniqObjectIdsCount":1,"msg":"unique objectIds","time":"2023-11-03T19:26:43.672Z","v":0}
{"name":"","awsRequestId":"","hostname":"","pid":8,"level":30,"uniqueRetrievedIds":["275649"],"msg":"data retrieved for Ids","time":"2023-11-06T22:48:03.594Z","v":0}
{"name":"","awsRequestId":"","hostname":"","pid":8,"level":30,"eventBody":{"objectType":"material","objectIds":["275649","108795","1234567","1234568","99999999","888888888"],"version":"all"},"msg":"request body","time":"2023-11-03T05:25:33.508Z","v":0}
OK so how do you want them combined e.g. do you want the times from the "unique objectIds" message and "data retrieved for Ids" message to be in the same row by object id?
| spath uniqObjectIds{} output=uniqObjectIds
| spath uniqueRetrievedIds{} output=uniqueRetrievedIds
| spath eventBody.objectIds{} output=eventBodyObjectIds
| eval eventBodyObjectIds=if(eventBodyObjectIds=="",null(),eventBodyObjectIds)
| eval objectId=coalesce(eventBodyObjectIds,coalesce(uniqueRetrievedIds,uniqObjectIds))
| eval retrievedTime=if(msg=="data retrieved for Ids",time,null())
| eval uniqueTime=if(msg=="unique objectIds",time,null())
| stats values(retrievedTime) as retrievedTime values(uniqueTime) as uniqueTime by objectId
Hi @ITWhisperer
Thank for your reply and suggestions.Really appreciate !
Now I have added a log in all the below raw event which will have "entity":"suppliedMaterial"
{"name":"","awsRequestId":"","hostname":"","pid":8,"level":30,"supportType":"reprocess","entity":"suppliedMaterial","uniqObjectIds":["122598","268817","88888888888","99999999999999999","abc"],"uniqObjectIdsCount":5,"msg":"unique objectIds","time":"2023-11-09T13:56:36.559Z","v":0}
2nd event
{"name":"","awsRequestId":"","hostname":"","pid":8,"level":30,"supportType":"reprocess","entity":"suppliedMaterial","uniqueRetrievedIds":[],"msg":"data retrieved for Ids","time":"2023-11-09T13:56:36.749Z","v":0}
3rd event
{"name":"","awsRequestId":"","hostname":"","pid":8,"level":30,"supportType":"reprocess","entity":"suppliedMaterial","dataNotFoundIds":["122598","268817","88888888888","99999999999999999","abc"],"dataNotFoundIdsCount":5,"msg":"data not found for Ids","time":"2023-11-09T13:56:36.749Z","v":0}
Currently i have three query which fetch the result from _raw in below table format
Expected.I want all three different table combined and show their result based on common key value entity: "suppliedMaterial" from raw events .
122598 268817 88888888888 99999999999999999 abc | 5 | 122598 268817 88888888888 99999999999999999 abc | 2023-08-11 06:38:01 |
122598 268817 88888888888 99999999999999999 abcdefg | 5 | 122598 268817 88888888888 99999999999999999 abcdefg | 2023-08-11 06:37:44 |
122598 268817 88888888888 99999999999999999 abcdefg | 5 | 122598 268817 88888888888 99999999999999999 abcdefg | 2023-08-11 06:35:40 |
122598 268817 88888888888 99999999999999999 abcdefg | 5 | 122598 268817 88888888888 99999999999999999 abcdefg | 2023-08-11 06:33:14 |
122598 268817 | 122598 268817 | 2023-08-11 06:38:01 |
122598 268817 | 122598 268817 | 2023-08-11 06:37:44 |
122598 268817 | 122598 268817 | 2023-08-11 06:35:40 |
122598 268817 | 122598 268817 | 2023-08-11 06:33:14 |
122598 268817 | 122598 268817 | 2023-08-11 03:28:56 |
275649 | 275649 | 2023-06-11 06:49:10 |
275649 | 275649 | 2023-03-11 04:28:36 |
275649 | 275649 | 2023-03-11 03:13:07 |
108795 | 108795 | 2023-03-11 03:09:07 |
108795 275649 | 108795 275649 | 2023-02-11 14:44:04 |
88888888888 99999999999999999 abc | 3 | 2023-08-11 06:38:01 |
88888888888 99999999999999999 abcdefg | 3 | 2023-08-11 06:37:44 |
88888888888 99999999999999999 abcdefg | 3 | 2023-08-11 06:35:40 |
88888888888 99999999999999999 abcdefg | 3 |
Hi @ITWhisperer The query used to get the above three table format
1st query:
index= source IN ("") "uniqObjectIds" OR "data retrieved for Ids" | eval PST=_time-28800 | eval PST_TIME=strftime(PST, "%Y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S") | spath output=uniqObjectIds path=uniqObjectIds{} |where isnotnull(uniqObjectIds) | spath output=uniqueRetrievedIds path=uniqueRetrievedIds{}| stats values(*) as * by _raw | table uniqObjectIds,uniqObjectIdsCount,uniqObjectIds{},PST_TIME | sort- PST_TIME
2nd query"
index= source IN ("") "data retrieved for Ids"| eval PST=_time-28800 | eval PST_TIME=strftime(PST, "%Y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S") | spath output=uniqueRetrievedIds path=uniqueRetrievedIds{} |where isnotnull(uniqueRetrievedIds)| stats values(*) as * by _raw | table uniqueRetrievedIds{},uniqueRetrievedIds, PST_TIME | sort- PST_TIME
3rd query:
index= source IN ("") "data not found for Ids"| eval PST=_time-28800 | eval PST_TIME=strftime(PST, "%Y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S") | spath output=dataNotFoundIds path=dataNotFoundIds{}|where isnotnull(dataNotFoundIds) | stats values(*) as * by _raw | table dataNotFoundIds{},dataNotFoundIdsCount, PST_TIME | sort- PST_TIME
Could you help
HI @ITWhisperer
I want all three query combined and display their results in one table based on entity:suppliedMaterial
| uniqObjectIdsCount | PST_TIME | dataNotFoundIds | dataNotFoundIdsCount | PST_TIME | ||||||
122598 268817 88888888888 99999999999999999 abc | 5 | 122598 268817 88888888888 99999999999999999 abc | 5 | 122598 268817 88888888888 99999999999999999 abc | 2023-08-11 06:38:01 | 122598 268817 | 122598 268817 | 2023-08-11 06:38:01 | |||
88888888888 99999999999999999 abc | 3 | 122598 268817 88888888888 99999999999999999 abc | 5 | 122598 268817 88888888888 99999999999999999 abc | 2023-08-11 06:38:01 | 122598 268817 | 122598 268817 | 2023-08-11 06:37:44 | |||
similar to above | similar to above | similar to above | similar to above | ssimilar to above | similar to above | similar to above | similar to above | similar to above | similar to above | ||
.... |
You can't have multiple columns with the same name so try this
index= source IN ("") "uniqObjectIds" OR "data retrieved for Ids" | eval PST=_time-28800 | eval PST_TIME=strftime(PST, "%Y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S") | spath output=uniqObjectIds path=uniqObjectIds{} |where isnotnull(uniqObjectIds) | spath output=uniqueRetrievedIds path=uniqueRetrievedIds{}| stats values(*) as * by _raw | table uniqObjectIds,uniqObjectIdsCount,uniqObjectIds{},PST_TIME | sort- PST_TIME
| appendcols [search index= source IN ("") "data retrieved for Ids"| eval PST=_time-28800 | eval PST_TIME2=strftime(PST, "%Y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S") | spath output=uniqueRetrievedIds path=uniqueRetrievedIds{} |where isnotnull(uniqueRetrievedIds)| stats values(*) as * by _raw | table uniqueRetrievedIds{},uniqueRetrievedIds, PST_TIME2 | sort- PST_TIME2 ]
| appendcols [search index= source IN ("") "data not found for Ids"| eval PST=_time-28800 | eval PST_TIME3=strftime(PST, "%Y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S") | spath output=dataNotFoundIds path=dataNotFoundIds{}|where isnotnull(dataNotFoundIds) | stats values(*) as * by _raw | table dataNotFoundIds{},dataNotFoundIdsCount, PST_TIME3 | sort- PST_TIME3 ]
Thanks much @ITWhisperer It really worked
What would your expected result look like?