I am working on migrating some items over to dashboard studio. I have a very simple stats command getting a few counts. One item I have is to just get an average response time, avg(responseTime). When I put this into my search the column doesnt get results, other columns like count(eval(status=OK)) populate fine. Also if select to run the item as just a search it works fine and all my data shows. Anyone else have similar issues?
Hi @aohls does the same search work if you apply it to another visualization in the dashboard, like a table? Would you be willing to share the dashboard definition so I can take a look? You can also send it to dashboard-studio@splunk.com instead of posting here.
Is it possible for you to share the entire search? I've built quite a few dashboards using this framework and would be curious to troubleshoot what might be going on here.
Its a pretty straightforward search. Below is the search just with made up names for things.
|stats count as "Total", avg(reponse) as "Response" by Request
|eval Response=round(Response,2)
| table Request, Total, Response
I don't see anything for Response in the dashboard but once I click the magnifying glass to the search tab I see everything for that column. I have the first line as the base search and the rest as a chain referencing that base search. If I move everything to a single search it works fine though.