Hello, i'm developing a dashboard for a client, the thing is I need to pass an earliest and latest value to perform another search on another panel.
The panel needs the earliest and latest time of a transaction. then the panel 2 needs to search in the entire index between latest and earliest of the clicked transaction's row.
here is my XML:
panel 1
<query>| search myswearch | transaction myfield maxevents=$maxevents$ keeporphans=true | eval t2=_time + duration | eval start=strftime(_time, "%d/%m/%y %H %M %S %3N"), finalization=strftime(t2, "%d/%m-%y %H:%M:%S:%3N") | table start finalization duration myfields myfields </query>
<eval token="earliest">round(strptime($row.start$,"%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S:%3N"),3)</eval>
<eval token="latest">round(strptime($row.finalization$, "%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S:%3N"),3)</eval>
and here is my panel2:
<table depends="$mytoken$">
<title>everything between $earliest$ and $latest$</title>
<query>myindex | my table</query>
my problem is both tokens always evaluate to 946695600, and that's like 1/1/2000 hah.