Hi Experts,
I have one static drop down , it has 2 static value "stage and Prod". Now I want to display values in the second drop down based on first drop down selection . So second drop down shows staging servers only if first selection was stage and vice versa.
to be more specific
If Drop down 1 = stage
Drop down 2 = abc_stage1,abc_stage2 (using a query )
IF Drop down 2 = prod
Drop down 2 = abc_prod1,abc_prod2 (using a query )
Please help
How do you know that a server is staging or prod?
Typically there is a naming convention...
Let's assume production servers have the letter P as the third character:
aaPxxx <-prod
aaSxxx <- staging
Now your first drop down has value P for Production and value S for staging and env is the name of the token.
In your second drop down you would populate it with this search:
index=AIndexWithAllHosts | dedup host | rex field=host "..($<env>.)" | search env=$env$ | fields host | sort host
And you use host as the field for the values.
Can you share the soluition?
I agree with the other answer but to answer your literal question, try code like this:
<input type="text" token="server_partial" searchWhenChanged="false">
<label>RegEx filter for Server Dropdown --></label>
<input type="dropdown" token="server" searchWhenChanged="false">
<label>(<-- filtered) Server Selector:</label>
<choice value="*">All</choice>
<query>| inputcsv serverlist.csv | regex server="(?i)$server_partial$" | table server</query>
I can see all staging servers have stage string in it and all prod has prod string in the server name .
How do you know that a server is staging or prod?
Typically there is a naming convention...
Let's assume production servers have the letter P as the third character:
aaPxxx <-prod
aaSxxx <- staging
Now your first drop down has value P for Production and value S for staging and env is the name of the token.
In your second drop down you would populate it with this search:
index=AIndexWithAllHosts | dedup host | rex field=host "..($<env>.)" | search env=$env$ | fields host | sort host
And you use host as the field for the values.
Thank you Man,
Works like charm.
A lot of people prefer to use | metadata type=hosts instead of index=AIndexWithAllHosts
Got another situation , now I am preparing a table based on above 2 inputs . When it is stage + All in second I want to see only stage servers in the table below . What it is doing in table is, it is giving me overall servers details that is for both stage and prod . For table I tried this but with this no data appears
index=abc source=computer host=$host$ $env$| sort Name |table Name,Domain, Manufacturer, Model|dedup Name,Domain, Manufacturer, Mode
I know this is because of $env$ as it is searching for P or S.