I would like to put a text in the annotation_label, in a line chart, that has multiple lines.
Adding <BR> (using "& lt ;" and "& gt ;" (without spaces) ) or \n puts that text literally in the label and & #13;& #10; or & #10; (without spaces after &) just puts in a space
For instance:
| eval Value = "Value"
| eval annotation_label = Value . "< BR>" . Value . "\n" . Value
Results in the following tekst in the label (The space before BR is just to ensure the characters are shown correctly in this request. I don't have it in the real search)
Value< BR>Value\nValue
And I would like to see the following in the annotation label:
Any help would be very much appreciated.
| eval Value = "Value"
| eval annotation_lab = Value . "," . Value . "," . Value
| eval annotation_lab = split(annotation_lab,",")
This should give you the result you want
I downvoted this post because yes, it splits a string into a multiline field but this does not give me the required result in the annotation_label. if i set annotation_label to a multiline value, there is simply no annotation_label in the chart. there is only an annotation line at the _time value