Hi Experts,
Im unable to find modify the pie chart colors using dashboard studio. I have tried to add field colors under options in dashboard studio. Unable to edit for specific visualisation in the source code field.
Have a field called "supp_type", I was looking for pie chart to be green for value "current", Amber for "previous" and red for "old".
When I include the charting.fieldcolors it doesn't accept or doesn't allow to save the panel code.
Can you help me in adding that custom colors into dashboard studio.
index=lab host=hmclab
| spath path=hmc_info{} output=LIST
| mvexpand LIST
| spath input=LIST
| where category == "hmc"
| search hmc_version=V* OR hmc_version=unknown
| dedup hmc_name
| eval supp_type=case(match(hmc_version,"^V10.*|^V9R2.*"), "current", match(hmc_version, "^V9R1.*"), "previous", match(hmc_version, "^V8.*|^V7.*"), "old")
| chart count by supp_type useother=false
Source Code from dashboard studio:
"type": "viz.pie",
"dataSources": {
"primary": "ds_RxEsq1cK"
"title": "HMC Versions",
"options": {
"chart.showPercent": true,
"backgroundColor": "transparent",
"charting.fieldColors": {"current":0x008000, "previous":0xffff00, "old":0xff0000}
"context": {},
"showProgressBar": false,
"showLastUpdated": false
I have tried to add the below the option under the panel. It seems to have worked.
I have tried to add the below the option under the panel. It seems to have worked.
Hi @satish ,
I also tried giving "charting.fieldColors"as below . Still there is no change in the pie chart. Please guide
The answer is in the planning dept basement behind a locked door with the sign "beware of the leper".
seriesColorsByField | object | n/a | Specify the colors used for specific pie slice labels. For example: {"April": "#008000", "May": "#FFA500 |
Much of the pie documentation does not have the current option. I found it once on the splunk documentation for dashboard studio pie chart but could not find it again. I then searched for "splunk pie chart options dashboard studio code" and found the following url: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/9.1.1/DashStudio/objOptRef