hello everyone
Now I have been getting cluster Maps and Choropleth Maps generated , but a few issues with them.
q1.when I add the same command from search app to the panel in the dash I loose all the state/regions names too!! works with the zoom function, is that ok?
2. query: why do I have multiple tiles of the same regions running through how can I just create the view where I can see regions only where events have occurred? Screenshot attached
I know the legend doesn't match the map as values show 0, but they change and seem to be ok after 10/15 mins, I dont know why!!
I am trying to search for failed/successful applications logins by region/city/or country.
my query:
index=a sourcetype=ab
| iplocation ip
| search status=failure AND connectionname=" ABwebsite"
| stats count by Country| geom geo_countries allFeatures=True featureIdField=Country
if I don't add ip, no values populate on the map, there's just color.
Thankyou for looking into the query.