Dashboards & Visualizations

Is it possible to change the navigation bar in Splunk Web to display a drop-down menu on mouse hover instead of on-click?

New Member


Could you please guide me how we can make the changes in nav bar so that on mouse hover, it will display a drop-down instead of having to click?

For example, I have set it up my default.xml with collection with the label as Dashboard and I have kept all dashboards inside that. So when I click on Dashboard menu on Nav App, its will display all Dashboards. But, here I want to display on Mouse hover. Is this possible on Splunk 6.* ?

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Hi TheProudDevil,

Initially misunderstood your question. Here is my answer.

It's not possible to change the mouse hover behaviour, with with the standard/build-in Splunk features.

However, you can write a JavaScript file that changes the mouse hover behaviour and reference the script using the "script" attribute of "dashboard" xml tag:

<dashboard script="myJavaScript.js">

Have a look at the following doc pages:

Unfortunately creating such a script requires JavaScript skills.

Hope that helps!

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

May you capture a screenshot which explains exactly where you click? And also a screenshot showing how the result looks like?

0 Karma

New Member

Its saying I need to have more Karma Point to attach my screenshot.
I am trying to explain here.

As we login to any App on Splunk, we saw the Menu bar with ... Search Pivot Alerts Report Dashboard... What I did, like in default.xml I have added multiple views under dashboard level with collection so, Dashboard is now act for this app as dropdown on Click. At this point, I need this click to be as Mouse hover on Splunk App so that as soon as I put my mouse pointer on Dashboard it should display me all views and same under dropdown as well.

Please let me know, if you need more information.

--Thank you.

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

May you provide the content of default.xml?

0 Karma

New Member

Hi, Here is the default.xml.

nav starts .....

collection label="Dashboards" ....

 <view name="CPU_Usage" />
 <divider />
 <view name="Memory_Usage" />
 <divider />
 <view name="Network_Usage" />

collection closing tag
nav Closing tag...

FYI, this is not allowing me completely add default.xml so

After setting this up, when I go to my App and click on "Dashboards" Navigation menu it display all three dashboards respectively. Here I need this to be display on mouse hover instead of click. 🙂

Thank you.

0 Karma
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