I can do this search | metadata type=hosts | convert timeformat="%m/%d/%Y - %H:%M:%S" ctime(*Time)
This will give me the date fields of first, last and recent Time.
I want to Pipe to an if statement to see if the recent or last time is between yesterday and 14 days ago and report on only those servers.
If a server has not been reporting in 14 days it is most likely off the network for good.
How do I correct the syntax for | eval not_reporting=case(lastTime>yesterday, alert, lastTime<30days_ago, alert)
Any help with syntax would be great.
Try this
|metadata type=hosts | table host lastTime | where lastTime<relative_time(now(),"-1d@d") AND lastTime>relative_time(now(),"-30d@d") | convert timeformat="%Y%m%d" ctime(lastTime) AS LastTime
Try this
|metadata type=hosts | table host lastTime | where lastTime<relative_time(now(),"-1d@d") AND lastTime>relative_time(now(),"-30d@d") | convert timeformat="%Y%m%d" ctime(lastTime) AS LastTime
Hi! I’m using metadata to report the missing logs in splunk. I’m giving a eval condition as
eval reporting = case(isnull(lastTime), “no”,1=1, “yes”)..
so where ever there is “no”, I’m counting those hosts and reporting. I want to know if there is any dynamic way of passing time to the query since the above mentioned logic isn’t working for me.
Thanks In advance.
This is not working for me
|metadata type=hosts | table host lastTime | where lastTimerelative_time(now(),"-30d@d") | convert timeformat="%Y%m%d" ctime(lastTime) AS LastTime
You are missing <
and >
characters and merging 2 existing field names into garbage ones.
This works great, Thanks much for the help
I can do this type of search but how do I make the search dates dynamic
| metadata type=hosts | convert timeformat="%Y%m%d" ctime(lastTime) AS LastTime | table host LastTime | where LastTime<20141030 AND LastTime>20140930