I have created a pie chart which has 3 different pie slices, so My question is if I click on each individual pie slice I want to open its respective logs, is that possible? and how?
1) If you want to drill-down to a new search window then you can try this run anywhere XML
<fieldset submitButton="false" autoRun="false">
<input type="time" token="field1" searchWhenChanged="true">
<query>index=_audit | stats count by action</query>
<option name="charting.chart">pie</option>
<option name="charting.drilldown">all</option>
<link target="_blank">search?q=index=_audit action="$row.action$"&earliest=$field1.earliest$&latest=$field1.latest$</link>
2) If you want drill-down to show the logs in the same dashboard in the form of table then try this run anywhere XML
<fieldset submitButton="false" autoRun="false">
<input type="time" token="field1" searchWhenChanged="true">
<query>index=_audit | stats count by action</query>
<option name="charting.chart">pie</option>
<option name="charting.drilldown">all</option>
<set token="action">$click.value$</set>
<title>raw logs for $action$</title>
<query>index=_audit action="$action$"</query>
<option name="list.drilldown">none</option>
let me know if this helps!
Try this:
<option name="charting.drilldown">all</option>
<set token="sourcetype_tok">$click.value$</set>
Use this token $sourcetype_tok$
in your query
Try this run anywhere search:
<chart id="myPieChart">
<query> index=_internal | stats count by log_level </query>
<option name="charting.chart">pie</option>
<option name="charting.drilldown">all</option>
<set token="sourcetype_tok">$click.value$</set>
<panel depends="$sourcetype_tok$">
<query> index=_internal log_level="$sourcetype_tok$"| stats count by log_level </query>
By default, clicking on a chart will open a browser tab that displays the underlying events.
If that is not what you want, you can customize the drill-down behavior by adding the chart to a dashboard. Within a dashboard, there are a number of ways that you can customize.
The Splunk Dashboards Example app is free and shows excellent examples of drill-downs. I would install this app on a test machine or your personal copy of Splunk. It won't hurt anything, but it really doesn't belong in your production environment. You can download it here http://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/1603/
If you prefer to read the manual, the section on drill-downs appears here