Dashboards & Visualizations

How to track the editing history of a dashboard?


I have a couple dashboards created. Multiple people have access to edit that dashboard. How can I track who has last edited a particular dashboard? Is there any way I can see the editing history of that dashboard?

1 Solution


Following Giuseppe's lead, this table might be what you're looking for:

index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd_ui_access editxml method=post ui/views/ 
  | table _time user clientip file useragent
  | rename file as dashboard

EDIT: gokaroid's search revealed the 'file' field, removed my rex

FINAL EDIT, bringing in gokaroid's additions and edit type: (I hope)

index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd_ui_access editxml OR edit method=post ui/views/ 
 | rex field=referer "/(?<edit_type>editx?m?l?)(\?|$)"
 | rex field=other "\s*?\-\s*(?<sessionId>[\S]+)\s*"
 | table _time user clientip sessionId edit_type file useragent
 | rename file as dashboard

View solution in original post

0 Karma

New Member

How to actually use this to see changes?

0 Karma


In case the xml was not edited, as edit can happen via edit panels/ui too, so this might also work:

index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd_ui_access method=post edit ui/views 
| rex field=other "\s*?\-\s*(?<sessionId>[\S]+)\s*"
| table user, useragent, req_time, file, sessionId 
| rename file as dashboard req_time as editTime


Nice! Good catch on the UI-based edit 🙂

New Member

How do you use this to view history? Want to undo something.

0 Karma


Can we perform these activity as power user. As I tried to search with index=_internal, but unable to get any event. So just wanted to check, what kind of extra permission needed.

0 Karma


You can check what role you have and get the _internal index search ability assigned to it. Or if admin can edit the power role and assign _internal index added in roles section. To achieve it go to Settings>>AccessControl>>Role>>yourRole
Go to section which has heading Indexes and if the role is power it should have All non-internal indexes currently. Get the _internal index added to this list.

0 Karma


Following Giuseppe's lead, this table might be what you're looking for:

index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd_ui_access editxml method=post ui/views/ 
  | table _time user clientip file useragent
  | rename file as dashboard

EDIT: gokaroid's search revealed the 'file' field, removed my rex

FINAL EDIT, bringing in gokaroid's additions and edit type: (I hope)

index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd_ui_access editxml OR edit method=post ui/views/ 
 | rex field=referer "/(?<edit_type>editx?m?l?)(\?|$)"
 | rex field=other "\s*?\-\s*(?<sessionId>[\S]+)\s*"
 | table _time user clientip sessionId edit_type file useragent
 | rename file as dashboard
0 Karma


Hi twh1,
you should usee

index=_internal editxml

in the field "file" there is the dashboard modified.

0 Karma
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