Too many hours to solve such a simple question...It is supposed to be a basic thing
I want to present both percentages and regular values in bar chart (it can be in the tooltip, like it exists in a pie chart),
If not possible to present only percentages but add the "%" symbol (when I tried to add % it converted the fields to string and nothing was shown in the chart)
* I can't add a js script, no access to the server
This is my query:
| stats sum(CountEvents) by CT
| rename "sum(CountEvents)" as "countE"
| eventstats sum(countE) as Total
| eval perc=round(countE*100/Total,2)
| chart sum(perc) as "EventsPercentages[%]" over CT
thanks a lot
I'm not sure if I understand your need, but maybe this helps?
| stats sum(CountEvents) as countE by CT
| eventstats sum(countE) as Total
| eval perc=round(countE*100/Total,2)
| chart sum(perc) as "EventsPercentages[%]" values(countE) as countE over CT
Then in visualisation tab select Format -> Chart Overlay
- > Overlay (e.g. your % field) and View as Axis = On
r. Ismo
I'm not sure if I understand your need, but maybe this helps?
| stats sum(CountEvents) as countE by CT
| eventstats sum(countE) as Total
| eval perc=round(countE*100/Total,2)
| chart sum(perc) as "EventsPercentages[%]" values(countE) as countE over CT
Then in visualisation tab select Format -> Chart Overlay
- > Overlay (e.g. your % field) and View as Axis = On
r. Ismo
Can we show them in one row? for example:
223,229 (45%)
it will look much better
Thanks but how to present that in a bar chart? (to add foo to my bar chart). I can present that only in a table
| stats sum(CountEvents) by CT
| rename "sum(CountEvents)" as "countE"
| eventstats sum(countE) as Total
| eval perc=round(countE*100/Total,2)
| eval foo = countE . "(" . perc ."%" .")"
| fields - Total perc
i added:
| xyseries CT,foo,countE
to my query i think its ok 🙂
Hi thanks
not soo petty, but good enough as a workaround
Do you know how can I add "%" to each value?
current query:
| stats sum(CountEvents) by CT
| rename "sum(CountEvents)" as "CountEvents"
| eventstats sum(CountEvents) as Total
| eval percentages%=round(CountEvents*100/Total,2)
| fields - Total