Dashboards & Visualizations

How to make Splunk Dashboard Studio table column align to the left?

Path Finder


I created a table using Splunk Dashboard Studio (Absolute).  However a column contains results like A, B, C, 0, 1.
A, B and C display align left and 0 and 1 displays aligned right.
I want all to be align left.

When selecting code option to add align command, I keep getting error and it does not align left.
How should I code this:

"options": {
"columnFormat": {"align": "left"}

Labels (1)
0 Karma

Here I am Pasted the Entire Table Code, You can find the align : center in that, you can implement the same in your table Code.

you can use left , Right, Center

    "type": "splunk.table",
    "dataSources": {
        "primary": "ds_nbdmjwIg"
    "options": {
        "backgroundColor": "transparent",
        "tableFormat": {
            "rowBackgroundColors": "> table | seriesByIndex(0) | pick(tableAltRowBackgroundColorsByBackgroundColor)",
            "rowColors": "> rowBackgroundColors | maxContrast(tableRowColorMaxContrast)",
            "headerBackgroundColor": "> backgroundColor | setColorChannel(tableHeaderBackgroundColorConfig)",
            "headerColor": "> headerBackgroundColor | maxContrast(tableRowColorMaxContrast)"
        "headerVisibility": "none",
        "columnFormat": {
            "Parameter": {
                "data": "> table | seriesByName(\"Parameter\") | formatByType(ParameterColumnFormatEditorConfig)"
        "showRowNumbers": true,
    "context": {
        "ParameterColumnFormatEditorConfig": {
            "string": {
                "unitPosition": "after"
    "showProgressBar": false,
    "showLastUpdated": false


Path Finder

Unfortunately, it makes no difference.
0 and 3 still aligned right instead of left ( R, S b ).

See attached



0 Karma


Can you Please try this Code once,

    "type": "splunk.table",
    "options": {
        "count": 100,
        "dataOverlayMode": "none",
        "drilldown": "none",
        "percentagesRow": false,
        "rowNumbers": false,
        "totalsRow": false,
        "wrap": false,
            "align":"> table |pick(alignment)"
        "columnFormat": {
            "messegetype": {
                "data": "> table | seriesByName(\"messegetype\") | formatByType(messegetypeColumnFormatEditorConfig)"
        "showRowNumbers": false
    "dataSources": {
        "primary": "ds_search_1"
    "title": "Right Alignment",
    "context": {
        "messegetypeColumnFormatEditorConfig": {
            "string": {
                "unitPosition": "after"
        "alignment": [
    "showProgressBar": false,
    "showLastUpdated": false

Let me know is this works.
Tags (1)


I have tried to center align the table using the method below. But the table always align the data to the left irrespective of center or right

0 Karma


Try this Sample Dashboard Code and understand the code and then apply to u r scenario, it should work.

    "visualizations": {
        "viz_RVm8V48A": {
            "type": "splunk.table",
            "options": {
                "columnFormat": {
                    "sum(bytes_in)": {
                        "data": "> table | seriesByName(\"sum(bytes_in)\") | formatByType(sum_bytes_in_ColumnFormatEditorConfig)"
                "tableFormat": {
                    "align": "> table |pick(alignment)"
            "dataSources": {
                "primary": "ds_egVRJIic"
            "context": {
                "sum_bytes_in_ColumnFormatEditorConfig": {
                    "number": {
                        "thousandSeparated": false,
                        "unitPosition": "after"
                "alignment": [
    "dataSources": {
        "ds_egVRJIic": {
            "type": "ds.search",
            "options": {
                "query": "| inputlookup firewall_example.csv\r\n| stats sum(bytes_in) sum(bytes_out) count by host",
                "queryParameters": {
                    "earliest": "-24h@h",
                    "latest": "now"
            "name": "Search_1"
    "defaults": {
        "dataSources": {
            "ds.search": {
                "options": {
                    "queryParameters": {
                        "latest": "$global_time.latest$",
                        "earliest": "$global_time.earliest$"
    "inputs": {},
    "layout": {
        "type": "absolute",
        "options": {
            "width": 1440,
            "height": 960,
            "display": "auto"
        "structure": [
                "item": "viz_RVm8V48A",
                "type": "block",
                "position": {
                    "x": 130,
                    "y": 80,
                    "w": 1240,
                    "h": 260
        "globalInputs": []
    "description": "",
    "title": "Test"
If isn't work for u, can share u r sample data will help u accordingly.


It worked for me. Thanks for the help. Really appreciate it.

Tags (4)
0 Karma


It's working 


0 Karma


Your solution works, though I was being tripped up by two separate "option" clauses.  I had drill downs enabled on my table, but left the other options default.  This left the base "options" clause out, but a second "options" clause was nested on the eventHandlers clause.  I had to change something to fix this.  In my case, I turned on Column Formatting for two of the fields in the table.  

This is my table with your alignment option added.  Thanks!


		"viz_tbl_cnt_by_user": {
			"type": "splunk.table",
			"dataSources": {
				"primary": "ds_qWJPJZ6C"
			"eventHandlers": [
					"type": "drilldown.setToken",
					"options": {
						"tokens": [
								"token": "tkn_user",
								"key": "row.identity.value"
			"options": {
				"tableFormat": {
					"align": "> table |pick(alignment)"
				"columnFormat": {
					"identity": {
						"data": "> table | seriesByName(\"identity\") | formatByType(identityColumnFormatEditorConfig)"
					"usernames": {
						"data": "> table | seriesByName(\"usernames\") | formatByType(usernamesColumnFormatEditorConfig)"
			"context": {
				"identityColumnFormatEditorConfig": {
					"string": {
						"unitPosition": "after"
				"usernamesColumnFormatEditorConfig": {
					"string": {
						"unitPosition": "after"
				"alignment": [
0 Karma
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