Hi ,
I know its a repeat question, but the requirement is different.
I am trying to include a script in XML dashboards and want to define a search which will populate a set of results and I want to embed those results in html tag in XML. Is that possible?
yeah, you can either convert your page to HTML and write your code there or create an HTML panel and include your HTML code inside it.
I don't want to convert my xml into HTML dashboards ,i have to create an html panel in XML itself and use that js file . the only question is can i use search managers or any other thing to have search results in js file only for xml dashboards
Yes, you can write your code in the HTML panel, I mean it will use all the libraries imported by the page so you can use search managers. Also you can add some JS into appserver/static and use them. Try looking at http://dev.splunk.com/