I am using the following query to get the results
index=abc node=*
| chart latest(state) as state by node
| stats count by state
| sort - state
Below is the column chart display of it.I want to display each state by a custom color
I tried using the below line in xml but its not changing
<option name="charting.fieldColors">{"Allocated":0x333333,"DOWN":0xd93f3c,"IDLE":0xf58f39,"Minor":0xf7bc38,"Notice" :0xeeeeee,"Healthy":0x65a637}</option>
fieldcolors option applies to the name of the field in a multi-series chart, not the value of a particular field. In order to do what you're trying to do, you'll have to change your SPL to add the following to the end
| eval {state}=count
| fields - count
| table state *
That will then make the bar columns be different colours, then you can define fieldcolor settings to the exact strings of the state name.
Or, you could do something like this, if you want to group "down*", idle and allocated related items together
| stats sum(eval(if(match(state, "^DOWN"), 1, 0))) as DOWN sum(eval(if(match(state, "^IDLE"), 1, 0))) as IDLE sum(eval(if(match(state, "^ALLOCATED"), 1, 0))) as Allocated by state
and then you can define your field colours as
<option name="charting.fieldColors">{"Allocated":0x333333,"DOWN":0xd93f3c,"IDLE":0xf58f39,"Minor":0xf7bc38,"Notice" :0xeeeeee,"Healthy":0x65a637}</option>
Although I am not sure what your data looks like for your Minor/Notice/Healthy.
fieldcolors option applies to the name of the field in a multi-series chart, not the value of a particular field. In order to do what you're trying to do, you'll have to change your SPL to add the following to the end
| eval {state}=count
| fields - count
| table state *
That will then make the bar columns be different colours, then you can define fieldcolor settings to the exact strings of the state name.
Or, you could do something like this, if you want to group "down*", idle and allocated related items together
| stats sum(eval(if(match(state, "^DOWN"), 1, 0))) as DOWN sum(eval(if(match(state, "^IDLE"), 1, 0))) as IDLE sum(eval(if(match(state, "^ALLOCATED"), 1, 0))) as Allocated by state
and then you can define your field colours as
<option name="charting.fieldColors">{"Allocated":0x333333,"DOWN":0xd93f3c,"IDLE":0xf58f39,"Minor":0xf7bc38,"Notice" :0xeeeeee,"Healthy":0x65a637}</option>
Although I am not sure what your data looks like for your Minor/Notice/Healthy.
Thank you @bowesmana ..cheers