Dashboards & Visualizations

How to group dashboards and display on a landing page?



My boss has asked me to create a landing page for my team. He envisions it as something like the following...

Data Analytics
+ KPI Dashboards
+ Interactive Dashboards
+ Custom Dashboards
+ Summarized Dashboards

The pluses listed above aren't necessarily pluses or bullet points. They could be icons. Each link or icon would be clickable and contain groups of dashboards.

I know that this would be much easier to achieve with a navigation bar. I just took the Building Apps with Splunk class and could do that right now, but that's not what he's looking for.

Any ideas?


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Thanks, but the point of my question was to avoid manually updating the lists. I've asked the Splunk Administrators to download the Welcome Page Creator, but they haven't responded.

I have this code running in my search string:
|rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/ui/views | search eai:acl.app=ITDA isDashboard=1 label=TERM(interactive)|rename id as link|table label link

And my drilldown links to the value in the link field, but the url produces a "Page Not Found" error

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Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

You can create a dashboard using Simple XML, and include html in it.

The html could include bullet points or icons, whatever you like, and can include links to the dashboards. It would probably be a manual process to keep all your dashboards up-to-date however, but it can be done this way.

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