Hi Team,
How we can fetch the below keywords from raw logs:
2023-06-29 09:41:53.884 [INFO ] [pool-2-thread-1] ArchivalProcessor - finished reading file /absin/TRIM.ARCH.D062923.T052525
2023-07-13 02:42:02.915 [INFO ] [pool-2-thread-1] FileSensor - Start Reading Account balance Data File, QACDU.D062623.T065000
2023-07-13 18:53:10.226 [INFO ] [pool-5-thread-1] FileSensor - Completed Account balance file processing, QACDU.D062623.T065000 records processed: 105932244, Kafka counter: 0
Hi @aditsss,
sorry but it isn't clear the rule of your extraction: do you want the string after the minus sign?
If this is your requirement, please try:
| rex "-\s+(?<message>.*)"
that you can test at https://regex101.com/r/JUWcZh/1
For this particular logger I just need file name:
2023-06-29 09:41:53.884 [INFO ] [pool-2-thread-1] ArchivalProcessor - finished reading file /absin/TRIM.ARCH.D062923.T052525
How Can I fetch it.
Hi @aditsss,
please try this:
| rex "-\s+(?<message>.*)"
| rex "\/(?<message1>.+)$
| eval message=if(match(message,"finished reading file%",message1,message)
I tried this:
index="600000304_d_gridgain_idx*" sourcetype=600000304_gg_abs_ipc2 source!="/var/log/messages" "finished reading file"
| rex "-\s+(?<message>.*)" | rex "\/(?<message1>.+)$"|eval message=if(match(message,"finished reading file%",message1,message))|stats count by message1
getting this result:
Error in 'EvalCommand': The arguments to the 'match' function are invalid.
Hi @aditsss,
change parenthesis and use message not message1:
index="600000304_d_gridgain_idx*" sourcetype=600000304_gg_abs_ipc2 source!="/var/log/messages" "finished reading file"
| rex "-\s+(?<message>.*)"
| rex "\/(?<message1>.+)$"
| eval message=if(match(message,"finished reading file%"),message1,message)
| stats count by message
I just want file name
2023-06-29 09:41:53.884 [INFO ] [pool-2-thread-1] ArchivalProcessor - finished reading file /absin/TRIM.ARCH.D062923.T052525
with this query :
index="600000304_d_gridgain_idx*" sourcetype=600000304_gg_abs_ipc2 source!="/var/log/messages" "finished reading file"
| rex "-\s+(?<message>.*)"
| rex "\/(?<message1>.+)$"
| eval message=if(match(message,"finished reading file%"),message1,message)
| stats count by message1
I am getting result like this:
Hi @aditsss,
as I said, use message, not message1 in the stats command, anyeay, please try this:
index="600000304_d_gridgain_idx*" sourcetype=600000304_gg_abs_ipc2 source!="/var/log/messages" "finished reading file"
| rex "-\s+(?<message>.*)"
| rex "\/\w+\/(?<message1>.*)$"
| eval message=if(match(message,"finished reading file%"),message1,message)
| stats count by message