Hi All,
I want to embed a news feed video in my dashboard, but the examples I've tried to copy that have an embedded YouTube video don't work. There is no video showing https://splunkonbigdata.com/2018/09/22/embedding-google-search-engine-in-splunk-dashboard/
Thanks in advance,
Which version of Splunk are you on?
Have you tried the following: https://community.splunk.com/t5/Splunk-Enterprise/How-to-use-iframe-in-Splunk-8-x/td-p/467598
Thanks for the reply. I'm using
The link seems to have the same issue that I do. The page just doesn't appear and seems to be a limitation of version 8 😞
Hi @russellfavell!
Check out this post: https://community.splunk.com/t5/Splunk-Enterprise/How-to-use-iframe-in-Splunk-8-x/m-p/467603/highlig...
Essentially, you'll need your admins to look at the web.conf to allow the features you're looking for.
If this reply helps you, an upvote would be appreciated.
Thanks @efavreau ,
Looks like
dashboard_html_allow_embeddable_content = <boolean>
was the one (the others were default True.
So, a step forward, can embed a webpage, but videos don't play on Sky News (BBC News won't load) or YouTube embedded video. Any idea if there is another setting that is required to allow videos?
@russellfavell if the link provided above helped you, please accept the answer to mark this question as answered. Do upvote the answers that helpde!