Dashboards & Visualizations

How to create interactive table which people can input text that creates a new row?

Path Finder


Can I please have help with making a table that allows people to type text that will create a new row in the table? I have made one already, but once someone types text, it does not clear the input text previously entered.

Once someone entered their text and presses submit I want the text boxes to go back to being blank (circled in blue).  Also, Is there a way someone can delete a row in the table after it is added in case they put in the wrong information or it is not relevant anymore?

Thank you!!!splunk question.PNG

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Path Finder

Okay, thank you! This helped!

0 Karma


Hi @ichesla1111,

good for you, see next time!

Please accept one answer for the other people of Community

Ciao and happy splunking


P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated 😉

0 Karma


Hi @ichesla1111,

it's possible to modify a table only if it's a lookup and you are using the lookup editor app (https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/1724/) because data in Splunk are written in indexes and aren't modifiable.

It's also possible to create a dashboard with some inputs and at the end inputs are written at the end of a table, but always in a lookup and this isn't an editor as you ask.

Then modify or delete a row is still more complicated.



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