Dashboards & Visualizations

How to create a line chart with multiple data searches

Path Finder

In my dashboard, I'm trying to show different types of errors in one line chart. Each type of error will come from a separate search and I would like to represent the counts as separate lines.

Is this possible or do I have to create multiple line charts?
Examples I have seen used only one search with a group by call but that won't work in this case.

I think this might be possible with multisearch if you then can group by each search and get the counts after that but so far I have not been able to get the syntax figured out.

1 Solution

Path Finder

This is possible with multisearch. You can create your queries and then use eval to tag each search result by type. You can then pipe that into a chart counting by the your appended type column.

| multisearch [search index=myApp "thing1_I_am_searching_for" | eval lineSource = "Error_type_one"] [search index=myApp "thing2_I_am_searching_for" | eval lineSource = "Error_type_two"] | timechart span=1h count by lineSource

View solution in original post

Esteemed Legend

First, glue the queries together with parentheses and OR like this:

(first query search SPL) OR (second query search SPL) OR (third query string SPL)

Then, depending on the differentiators, either this:

| stats count(SomeFieldNameAlwaysInSearchOneButNeverOthers) AS ErrorCountType1
        count(SomeFieldNameAlwaysInSearchTwoButNeverOthers) AS ErrorCountType2
        count(SomeFieldNameAlwaysInSearchThreeButNeverOthers) AS ErrorCountType3

Or this:

| stats count(eval(SomeFieldNameAlwaysInSearchOne="SomeValueAlwaysInSearchOneButNeverOthers")) AS ErrorCountType1
        count(eval(SomeFieldNameAlwaysInSearchTwo="SomeValueAlwaysInSearchTwoButNeverOthers")) AS ErrorCountType2
        count(eval(SomeFieldNameAlwaysInSearchThree="SomeValueAlwaysInSearchThreeButNeverOthers")) AS ErrorCountType3
0 Karma

Path Finder

I tried this but it made my linechart return no results

(index= myApp "thing1_I_am_searching_for") OR (search index= myApp "thing2_I_am_searching_for") | timechart span=1h count("thing1_I_am_searching_for") as "line 1" count("thing2_I_am_searching_for") as "line 2"
0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

You have to do it like this:

(index=myApp "thing1_I_am_searching_for") OR (search index=myApp "thing2_I_am_searching_for")
| timechart span=1h count(eval(searchmatch("thing1_I_am_searching_for"))  AS "line 1" count(eval(searchmatch("thing2_I_am_searching_for"))) AS "line 2" ...
0 Karma

Path Finder

I got this working but there is some overlap in the queries and those records will only ever show up in one of the categories.

0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

There is always a way to refine the count(...) to avoid the overlap (you can use ANDs and ORs ). We can keep going if you get more specific.

0 Karma

Path Finder

This is possible with multisearch. You can create your queries and then use eval to tag each search result by type. You can then pipe that into a chart counting by the your appended type column.

| multisearch [search index=myApp "thing1_I_am_searching_for" | eval lineSource = "Error_type_one"] [search index=myApp "thing2_I_am_searching_for" | eval lineSource = "Error_type_two"] | timechart span=1h count by lineSource

Esteemed Legend

This will work but it will be 3X as expensive and slow compared to my solution.

0 Karma

Path Finder

@woodcock Can you explain why this 3x the cost?

0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

It runs the searches simultaneously, whereas mine runs a single search.

0 Karma
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