Hi all,
I am a fresher in Splunk.
Recently, I met an problems and would like to ask whether anyone has ideas.
I compose my spl code to generate this kind of table.
city produce name count
city1 product 1 perchase count 1-1
city1 product 2 perchase count 1-2
city2 product 1 perchase count 2-1
city2 product 2 perchase count 2-2
city3 product 1 perchase count 3-1
city3 product 2 perchase count 3-1
But I would like to transfer the table into this kind of table.
product name city1 city2 city 3
product 1 perchase count 1-1 perchase count 2-1 perchase count 3-1
product 2 perchase count 1-2 perchase count 2-2 perchase count 3-2
Do any experts have ideas how to implement SPL code to fulfill that?
I tried to use transpose column_name=city, but in vain. The output doesn't look as I expect.
Thank you so much !
Hi all,
I already find the solution for my questions.
Thanks for all the reply you provided.
@Jouman If the answers helped you, please don't forget to "accept" the answer (so the community knows this has been answered) and click the thumbs up to give some karma! 🙂
| chart count by product, city
Thanks! It works perfectly.
One more question to ask for help, assume all cities belong to the same Country, and data are listed below already.
city produce name count
city1 product 1 perchase 1-1
city1 product 2 perchase 1-2
city2 product 1 perchase 2-1
city2 product 2 perchase 2-2
city3 product 1 perchase 3-1
city3 product 2 perchase 3-1
I can list count and its percentage % in each city sucessfully now,
Is there any way to calculate the count in countrywide field, the percentage % in countrywide as well?
I tried to use transpose or eventstats after chart command but it doesn't work.
product name city1 city2 city 3 Countrywide
product 1 perchase1-1(%) perchase 2-1(%) perchase 3-1(%) perchase1-1+perchase 2-1+perchase 3-1 (%)
product 2 perchase1-2(%) perchase 2-2(%) perchase 3-2(%) perchase1-2+perchase 2-2+perchase 3-2 (%)
Thank you so much.
| chart count by product, city
| addtotals fieldname="Countrywide"
Thanks! It works to calculate the count for countrywide area after I apply these code.
| chart count by Product City
| addtotals col=t labelfield="Product" label="City_Total" fieldname="Countrywide"
But after using these code, I can only list the count in chart format.
I was unable to list the percentage in chart format since addtotals will addup all fields in a row into "Countrywide" column.
Is there any way to transfer the count in each city and in countrywide into percentage value?
I tried these 2 paragraphs code but none is working.
| chart limit=0 count by Product City
| addtotals col=t labelfield="Product" label="City_Total" fieldname="Countrywide"
| foreach *
[| eval city_percent=round(100*<<FIELD>>/City_Total,1)]
| chart limit=0 values(city_percent) by Product City
| chart limit=0 count by Product City
| eval Countrywide=0
| foreach *
[| eval Countrywide=Countrywide+<<FIELD>>]
| addtotals col=t labelfield="Product" label="City_Total"
| foreach *
[| eval <<FIELD>>=round(<<FIELD>>*100/City_Total,1)]
Thank you.