I have designed a landing page using HTML and my navbar menu is created using prebuilt panel. How can I call my prebuilt panel in my HTML dashboard and it should be at the top of the page. Please advise ?
@pgadhari refer to one of my older answers where I have implemented this using Pre-built panel: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/595047/can-we-implement-cascading-dropdowns-in-a-dashboar.html
@pgadhari refer to one of my older answers where I have implemented this using Pre-built panel: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/595047/can-we-implement-cascading-dropdowns-in-a-dashboar.html
Yes, I created my prebuilt panel that time using your above link. But now the problem is, I am working on re-designing my homepage. Previous home page was in XML format, hence calling prebuilt panel was easy. But now, I am using HTML dashboard as landing page and that is where I want to know, how can I directly call prebuilt panel into my HTML page.
Also, I am using the same menu from W3 schools that was specified in your above answers and you helped me to modify the sub-navs from "on-hover" to "on-click"
Actually, I dont want to disturb that menu, and that is why I want to directly call that prebuilt panel into HTML dashboard. Hope you got it ?
I just had a look at your answers, I think point no. 3 should solve my problem :
Option 3: Use HTML file with CSS Menu and include in the Dashboard panel using src
Similar to Prebuilt Panel an HTML file can be used as a template, however, dependency with static HTML file implies Splunk refresh/restart/bump along with browser cache cleanup for changes to reflect. Since coding effort and template effect is similar to Prebuilt panel which does not require either of these steps, it is better to use option 3.
How can I use html "src" to call the other html file (my menu file) ?
@pgadhari provided your html file sits in your Splunk app's appserver/static folder (my_custom_html_file.html
in the example below), you can use the following to embed the html file in your Simple XML Dashboard:
<html src="my_custom_html_file.html">
You can check this example in the Splunk Dashboard Examples App from Splunkbase as well.
Actually I have put lot of time in developing my landing page in HTML, hence I am looking for that solution. Hope you got it.
Simple XML Dashboard can also allow you to include html file provided it sits in your app's appserver/static folder. Html dashboard can obviously include html file.
If you want to figure out what code from Simple XML need to convert in HTML dashboard, I would say easiest way is to
create a Simple XML with only the code required to be converted to html. For example my code above for including html file.
See if it works in Simple XML, then convert the dashboard to html.
Finally get the code from converted html dashboard and put it in your current html dashboard (if you do not want to get rid of html dashboard in Splunk).
@niketnilay - As of now, I have decided to not put the top menu on landing page. Instead, I have used carousel + CSS for App links on the html home page which is fine for me.
But now, I am facing some strange issues on my home page, when I open the page in laptop screen, the div margins alignment are getting disturbed, and when I open on big screens, somehow the margins are not inline. I know this is different issue, I can open a new question if required ? But need help on fixing this.
I have used margin-left and margin-top to align the div elements and their content. Also, I have a background image in my page, which is displaying the horizontal scroll bar which I have to remove. I have to fix this, tried specifying margin and other options in CSS but not working ? Please advise ?
@pgadhari I think the issue that you have at your hand is purly CSS/HTML issue and not necessarily dependent on Splunk at all. For us it would be difficult to assist you setting the correct CSS style. However, if you can post the code that you have currently and post the screenshots of issue you are seeing on small and big screen as a separate question may be it will get the right attention.
Meanwhile do accept this answer if it helped and up vote the comments that you found useful.
Sure, I will open new question for CSS issue with more details. Thanks.
Sure. I will try this out and revert. Thanks.
Cool let me know how it goes. Like I said it would be way easier for you if you stick to Simple XML dashboard.
can I use below to code to call html file in my landing page html ? I will try this out, but whether this will work ?
I took this from "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8988855/include-another-html-file-in-a-html-file"
<div data-include="/path/to/include.html"></div>
above code ?
Just for your reference, I have converted my existing dashboard in the example above to html dashboard. However, this would just complicate things.
A reference panel in html dashboard looks like the following:
<div id="mainmenu" class="dashboard-cell referenced-panel" style="width: 100%;" data-panel-ref="splunk_app_custom_main_menu" data-panel-app="search" data-original-id="mainmenu">
<div class="dashboard-panel clearfix">
Following is the complete html code for html dashboard generated for the run anywhere example in my previous answer.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<title>Multi Level Menu in Splunk HTML</title>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/en-US/static/@D463EDB7A11DFECBDE0E7D4071EBE085CE6A280D74E01AE52A1FF855C556AD57/img/favicon.ico" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{SPLUNKWEB_URL_PREFIX}}/static/build/css/bootstrap-enterprise.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{SPLUNKWEB_URL_PREFIX}}/static/build/css/splunkjs-dashboard.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="{{SPLUNKWEB_URL_PREFIX}}/static/app/search/dashboard.css" />
<meta name="referrer" content="never" />
<meta name="referrer" content="no-referrer" />
window._splunk_metrics_events = {
push : function() {},
active: false,
<body class="simplexml preload locale-en" data-splunk-version="7.3.0" data-splunk-product="enterprise">
This section contains the layout for the dashboard. Splunk uses proprietary
styles in <div> tags, similar to Bootstrap's grid system.
<a aria-label="Screen reader users, click here to skip the navigation bar" class="navSkip" href="#navSkip" tabIndex="1">Skip Navigation ></a>
<div class="header splunk-header">
<a id="navSkip"></a>
<div class="dashboard-body container-fluid main-section-body" data-role="main">
<div class="dashboard-header clearfix">
<h2>Multi Level Menu in Splunk HTML</h2>
<div id="row1" class="dashboard-row dashboard-row1">
<div id="mainmenu" class="dashboard-cell referenced-panel" style="width: 100%;" data-panel-ref="splunk_app_custom_main_menu" data-panel-app="search" data-original-id="mainmenu">
<div class="dashboard-panel clearfix">
<div id="row2" class="dashboard-row dashboard-row2">
<div id="panel1" class="dashboard-cell" style="width: 100%;">
<div class="dashboard-panel clearfix">
<div class="panel-element-row">
<div id="htmlFiller" class="dashboard-element html" style="width: 100%">
<div class="panel-body html">
</style><div style="text-align:center;font-weight:bold;font-size:150%;color:blue;position:absolute;top:250px;left:30%">
This is a Filler Panel for Demonstration of Menu Overlay on Hover.
<script src="{{SPLUNKWEB_URL_PREFIX}}/config?autoload=1" crossorigin="use-credentials"></script>
<script src="{{SPLUNKWEB_URL_PREFIX}}/static/js/i18n.js"></script>
<script src="{{SPLUNKWEB_URL_PREFIX}}/i18ncatalog?autoload=1"></script>
<script src="{{SPLUNKWEB_URL_PREFIX}}/static/build/simplexml/index.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
// <![CDATA[
// In the require function, we include the necessary libraries and modules for
// the HTML dashboard. Then, we pass variable names for these libraries and
// modules as function parameters, in order.
// When you add libraries or modules, remember to retain this mapping order
// between the library or module and its function parameter. You can do this by
// adding to the end of these lists, as shown in the commented examples below.
// Add comma-separated libraries and modules manually here, for example:
// ..."splunkjs/mvc/simplexml/urltokenmodel",
// "splunkjs/mvc/tokenforwarder"
// Add comma-separated parameter names here, for example:
// ...UrlTokenModel,
// TokenForwarder
) {
var pageLoading = true;
// Create token namespaces
var urlTokenModel = new UrlTokenModel();
mvc.Components.registerInstance('url', urlTokenModel);
var defaultTokenModel = mvc.Components.getInstance('default', {create: true});
var submittedTokenModel = mvc.Components.getInstance('submitted', {create: true});
urlTokenModel.on('url:navigate', function() {
if (!_.isEmpty(urlTokenModel.toJSON()) && !_.all(urlTokenModel.toJSON(), _.isUndefined)) {
} else {
// Initialize tokens
function submitTokens() {
// Copy the contents of the defaultTokenModel to the submittedTokenModel and urlTokenModel
FormUtils.submitForm({ replaceState: pageLoading });
function setToken(name, value) {
defaultTokenModel.set(name, value);
submittedTokenModel.set(name, value);
function unsetToken(name) {
var mainmenu = new PanelRef({
id: "mainmenu",
originalId: "mainmenu",
el: $('#mainmenu')
}, {tokens: true}).render();
DashboardController.addReadyDep(mainmenu.load("splunk_app_custom_main_menu", "search"));
new LayoutView({"hideSplunkBar": true, "hideAppBar": true, "hideChrome": false})
new Dashboard({
id: 'dashboard',
el: $('.dashboard-body'),
showTitle: true,
editable: true
}, {tokens: true}).render();
var htmlFiller = new HtmlElement({
"id": "htmlFiller",
"useTokens": true,
"el": $('#htmlFiller')
}, {tokens: true, tokenNamespace: "submitted"}).render();
// Initialize time tokens to default
if (!defaultTokenModel.has('earliest') && !defaultTokenModel.has('latest')) {
defaultTokenModel.set({ earliest: '0', latest: '' });
pageLoading = false;
// ]]>
So again any specific reason for using html dashboard as a landing page? Why not use Simple XML Dashboard with <html> panel
or <html> source
I am using some carousels and css tricks to make the landing page more visually good, and hence I found it easy using HTML instead of XML, as in XML I was getting errors regarding some tags. It was easy to setup in HTML.
If your final code is complete html code, you can refer to the html code in Simple XML dashboard using <html> panel with source to your html code
. You should be able to put html code inside <html>
panel directly as well (only thing you would need is to escape XML character like <
with <
etc. If you get any other community would definitely be able to assist you with these.
On a different note, have you seen Carousel Viz. https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/4342/?
In one of the cases I have created the Carousel effect using depends and rejects on tokens which would toggle based on time interval selected by User, like 5 sec, 10 sec etc.