I have a form where the user can choose a date which is actually a month of a specific year (MM-YYYY) used as a token for the time modifier "earliest". Then I would like to add an offset of one month to the chosen date for "latest".
I know I could do something like:
mysearch earliest="epochtime_date" | eval latest=earliest+2592000 | ...
However, I would like to have the best performance possible by minimizing as much as I can the time range of my search so I need to have a search more like:
mysearch earliest="epochtime_date" latest="earliest_one_month_offset" | ...
I've been doing research, but I couldn't find anything. Do you think it would possible?
Thank you!
Tried using relative_time
| eval time=relative_time(now(), "+1mon")
That should meet your requirement.
Tried using relative_time
| eval time=relative_time(now(), "+1mon")
That should meet your requirement.
Thank you not exactly what I want but it is working perfectly.