Dashboards & Visualizations

How to Ignore few hosts in a search


Hi all, we have around 8 dashboards fetching data from same index.  There are around 150 hosts with this index, but we don't want to see the data from particular 50 hosts in a dashboard.  how this can be done???
Any inputs on this please???


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Hi @Ash1 ,

if you need to exclude many hosts (like 509 from your search the best solution is the one from @burwell : a lookup containing the host list.

If instead they are three or four, you can also insert them in each search or create a macro to excude them.



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If you always want to ignore the same hosts each time, you could create a lookup file with names of the hosts and use a search as described in this post: https://community.splunk.com/t5/Splunk-Search/How-to-search-for-all-IP-s-not-in-a-lookup-table/m-p/3...

Something like

index=myindex NOT [|inputlookup mylookup.csv | fields host]


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