I would like to extract the text of tag3 in xml file like that :
When i search the texte tag2 it's ok
mysearch | xpath "//tag1/tag2/@name" output=name | chart count by name
What is the syntax of request to extract the text of tag3 ?
None of those searches are OK
mysearch | xpath "//tag1/tag2/tag3" output=text | chart count by text
mysearch | xpath "//tag1/tag2/tag3" outfield=text | chart count by text
Thanks for your help
Why not just use spath
like this:
|makeresults | eval _raw="<tag1><tag2 name=\"TEXTE\"><tag3>TEXTE OF MESSAGE</tag3></tag2></tag1>"
| spath
This gives you these:
_raw _time tag1.tag2.tag3 tag1.tag2{@name}
<tag1><tag2 name="TEXTE"><tag3>TEXTE OF MESSAGE</tag3></tag2></tag1> 2018-12-08 15:19:37 TEXTE OF MESSAGE TEXTE
when i try this with my run everywhere example, everything works as expected. Maybe your xml is not correctly? For example the tags are not closed correctly? Also, the option is called outfield, not output.
Here is the example, try your self:
| makeresults | eval _raw="<tag1><tag2 name=\"foo\"><tag3>Test 123</tag3></tag2></tag1>" | xpath "//tag1/tag2/tag3" outfield=value
Did you try using xmlkv in your search
mysearch | xmlkv | chart count by name
you could also insert xmlkv as a search-time extraction on your search head props.conf
KV_MODE = xml
IF tag3 is fixed then you can try simple regex like-
|rex "<tag3>(?<TEXT>[^<]+)"