We are trying to build a chart to show the amount of connection errors and successful connections in a time chart by count.
The data is in 2 indexes.
There are 3 searches.
index=index1 IllegalMonitorStateException CurrentUrl=‘name.domain.com/path/to/endpoint' | chart count as IllegalMonitorStateException
index=index1 host=“appserver-prod*” source="*activity.log" activity="user.login*" activity="user.login.ldap" accountGuid=00000000-0000-1234-5678-000000000000 | chart count by accountGuid
host=“loadbalance-prod*” index=index2 uri_path=/path/to/endpoint method=POST referer="https://name.domain.com/*" | stats count by status, host
Show us the results of each search and the show us a mockup of what you would like the combination output to be. You have not given us enough detail to help you.
ok, I'll put it up when I have a moment
hi @khhenderson,
Did you end up solving this problem?
@mstjohn_splunk No, haven't had a chance to get back to it... but thanks for the follow up.