I know this should be relatively simple to do. I've tried literally dozens of permutations of possible solutions, with no success. All answers I've seen posted haven't helped me. If someone has the time to assist me, that'd be fantastic. To keep things simple, I will be attempting to do this in the search application.
I have placed my_logo.png into "C:\Program Files\Splunk\etc\apps\search\appserver\static", and my dashboard has the following structure:
<img src="my_logo.png" />
When I load the dashboard, the row for the image appears, but the image doesn't load, it simply has the small "image goes here" placeholder image. If I right-click on the placeholder, and choose "Open image in new tab", a new tab opens at the address:
and, the page has a 404 error, with the following:
404 Not Found
Return to Splunk home page
Page not found!
View more information about your request (request ID =
585be70663a5d6048) in Search
This page was linked to from https://splunk/en-US/app/search/DASHBOARD_LABEL?earliest=0&latest=.
I'd appreciate any advice. Thank you!
If you have uploaded the file to "C:\Program Files\Splunk\etc\apps\search\appserver\static", then your img tag should have the following code:
<img src="/static/app/search/my_logo.png">
PS: When you add any static file to your Splunk app, you would need to restart Splunk and also delete browser history based on whether your browser's caching is enabled or not to reflect the change.
For reference, you should also explore the Image Overlay With Single Value example from Splunk 6.x Dashboard Example app.
If you have uploaded the file to "C:\Program Files\Splunk\etc\apps\search\appserver\static", then your img tag should have the following code:
<img src="/static/app/search/my_logo.png">
PS: When you add any static file to your Splunk app, you would need to restart Splunk and also delete browser history based on whether your browser's caching is enabled or not to reflect the change.
For reference, you should also explore the Image Overlay With Single Value example from Splunk 6.x Dashboard Example app.
Perfect! Perhaps my brain was skipping over the directory information, since I was assuming people had typos. Thanks!