I have the following syntax that extract multiple values for the same fields in an event.
This is the query:
index=.... | rex max_match=100 "(?<connBlock>\d+)\s+(?<connector>[\d\w]+)\s+Located\s+at\s+STA:\s*(?<sta_coord>[\d\w[^,]+)
For this query I get the following fields for each event:
connBlock = [500 600 700 800 ...] and stat_coord [A345 A3422 B2434 ...]
Those events also have a field called testNum which looks like "AFKE-232322".
I want to create a table like this:
testNUM connBlock stat_coord
AFKE-232322 500 A345
AFKE-232322 600 A3422
AFKE-232322 700 B2434
AFKE-232322 800 C745
... I also have different tests
AFBE-228322 500 A345
AFBE-228322 600 D3422
AFCE-005322 700 B2434
When I try to do a table, I get the table below, and the stat_coord, connBlock appear in the same row than the testNum.
testNUM connBlock stat_coord
AFKE-232322 500 A345
600 A3422
700 B2434
800 C745
AFBE-228322 500 A345
600 D3422
AFCE-005322 500 B2434
The reason for separating the fields is that I want to do a query like the one below and get the sta_coord or the connector based on a testNum and connBlock of an event.
index=.... | search testNum=AFKE-232322 connBlock=600
Hi edrivera3,
You can use mvexpand with eval to do this.
Here is the sample query for you.
Your base query
| eval tagged=mvzip(testNUM, connBlock)
| mvexpand tagged
| makemv tagged delim=","
| eval testNUM=mvindex(tagged,0)
| eval connBlock=mvindex(tagged,1)
| table *
Hopefully this will get you what your expecting to do.
Hi edrivera3,
You can use mvexpand with eval to do this.
Here is the sample query for you.
Your base query
| eval tagged=mvzip(testNUM, connBlock)
| mvexpand tagged
| makemv tagged delim=","
| eval testNUM=mvindex(tagged,0)
| eval connBlock=mvindex(tagged,1)
| table *
Hopefully this will get you what your expecting to do.
Thanks so much for this! Also fixed my similar issues! 🙂
Hi edrivera3. I've experienced these types of scenarios before and man. What a doozie. You may want to try to use the mvexpand on those fields if they are already considered multivalue. In some scenarios you may need to make the field a mv field first using the makemv command and then piping out to mvexpand. Try your search| mvexpand connBlock |mvexpand stat_coord. Here a link to a similar mv solution which may help as well: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/25653/mvexpand-multiple-multi-value-fields.html
If this doesn't work let me know and id be happy to further assist. Happy splunking!
damientsurat: Your solution is correct and it's the same as the one provided by fz. Do you want me accept your answer? If so, please write an answer with the solution. If you are not interested I'm going to accept fz's answer.
Ahhbone last thing. Check example 3 in the splunk mvexpand command doc
Thanks. I think this is the solution, but the results gets truncated. I actually have 5 different multi-value fields.
Did you use limit=0 argument.
Syntax: limit=
Description: Specify the number of values of to use for each input event.
Default: 0, or no limit