I tried useother=f
, it is removing the other values from the Pie chart, but I need all the values in the pie chart instead of removing some.
you will have to expand the limit of the output meaning:
(it will not consolidate any values into other)
(in this case if the output normally yields 15 line it will omit the extra 5 from the output, and since you are using "useother=f" they won't be added to other)
Edit Panels and change the attribute "size",it will be OK.
try something like this
index="price" |chart limit=0 count by productId , product_name
Add a limit=0
to your chart
I tried with limit=0 still not working 😞
Have you tried
<option name="charting.chart.sliceCollapsingThreshold">0</option>
Where and how do we exactly use 0?
The above is assuming the query that feeds to Pie Chart is the chart command. For example:
| chart count by someField limit=0
Refer to Splunk Documentation: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/SearchReference/Chart#Chart_options
This works!
Thank you!