I am upgrading my splunk version from version 6.4.1 to 6.6.4.
However, after the upgrade, the highcharts in my dashboards are not appearing. It only appears after i click edit dashboard and after i cancel editing my highcharts appears but the highcharts are rendered twice.
Was wondering if it is due to compatibility issue which result in my highcharts not appearing. ( Since it was loading fine in version 6.4.1)
@LyV Do you have issue with all Highcharts like Column, Line, Area, Bar? Does this happen in Searches also or only in Dashboards? If it is happening only in Dashboards, do you have Simple XML JS Extension or Splunk JS Stack/Web Framework in your dashboards to load Chart visualizations?
Hello it only happens in dashboard and for all highcharts.
This is the framework I used :
require(['splunkjs/mvc/simplexml/ready!'], function () {
require(['splunkjs/ready!'], function () {
@LyV I would suggest you to tag this question as Bug and also reach out to Splunk Support for further help as that would be your best bet.
Seems like you are using Splunk JS to render charts in your Dashboards. Would it be possible for you to create sample dashboard with one chart similar to the way you have created with all the static dependencies like JS/CSS? Also have you checked in Browser inspector whether there are any errors reported in Console?
hello thank you for the advice :).
I have created a sample dashboard and check browser inspector on the console.
there is no errors on the console. However, i decided to a simple debugging, console.log("hello") at the start of the js and also a console.log(counter) at render: function ($td, cell) {}, console.log(counter) is not being run. Not sure why this is the case. Will continue to debug.
Seems your version of splunk is not at all tested... That is not possible..
Please share your XML
the full xml is a little hard to share as its over a thousand lines of codes. However, this is how im linking my js to the xml :
form stylesheet="view_style_v3.css" script="order_highchart.js, query.js, linechart.js, major_chart.js,heatmap-link.js"