Does anyone know if it is possible to automatically hide the navigation menus on the new Splunk Dashboard Studio dashboards? On classic dashboards you could just use hideChrome="true". Or if its even possible to default open a page in full screen mode?
We just want to display some dashboards on some kiosks, however, the menus look untidy.
Hello @ALXWBR , did you find a solution for this? I was thinking about creating a panel/shape that i could "bring to front" before I save to PDF, but that sounds very cumbersome. Thanks for any help!
Not currently, no, however I submitted it as an idea and its planned for a future release
Hi @ALXWBR those aren't supported yet, but are on the backlog. I would also encourage submitting it on the backlog so others can upvote it as well. This helps us to prioritize!