I am configuring multiple links in a single drilldown for one panel which is a pie chart.
One link opens an external webpage, while the other link opens a new search in Splunk.
However, only the first link gets opened. Has anyone encountered this issue?
<drilldown target="_blank">
<link target="_blank">https://www.whois.com/whois/$click.value$</link>
<link target="_blank">search?=index=ppslogs sourcetype="proofpoint_tap_siem" eventType IN("messagesBlocked", "messagesDelivered") (NOT `Mal_Att_Deliv_Exclusions`) senderIP=$click.value$ | `Mal_Att_Deliv_Rename_Fields` | `Mal_Att_Deliv_Table`</link>
Upon user click, only the top drill down action gets taken.
You might want to do certain tweaking in that. 2 Links on a same placeholder would not be possible but you'll certainly be able to define them conditionally based on which cell you want to take at which link.
Basically mentioning separate drill down conditions would be the key here.
There is already a similar post explaining this. See if this helps you -