Dashboards & Visualizations

Google Map drilldown to second dashboard


I have a Google Map dashboard that populates properly. Each point represents a specific IP address. I want to click on the point and send only the IP address to a second dashboard which will show a table of activity at that location, that is up and down file transfers. But instead of passing the IP address it sends the entire search string. This is the search that populates the Google Map dashboard.

sourcetype="iis" earliest="03/14/2014:00:00:00" latest="03/15/2014:00:00:00" 
 | dedup c_ip 
 | geoip c_ip 

This is the search that drives the second dashboard

sourcetype="iis" earliest="03/14/2014:00:00:00" latest="03/15/2014:00:00:00" $c_ip$ 
| lookup All_Stores.csv cs_username OUTPUT Store
| eval cs_uri_query=if(cs_uri_query="-","N/A",cs_uri_query)
| eval cs_uri_stem=if(cs_uri_stem="-","N/A",cs_uri_stem)
| rename date as Date, cs_uri_stem as Download, cs_uri_query as Upload, sc_status as Status
| table Date, Store, Upload, Download, Status

This is the relevant XML from the Google Maps dashboard

<module name="HiddenSearch" layoutPanel="panel_row1_col1" autoRun="true">
 <param name="search">sourcetype="iis" earliest="03/14/2014:00:00:00" latest="03/15/2014:00:00:00" 
 | dedup c_ip 
 | geoip c_ip 
     <module name="GoogleMaps" layoutPanel="panel_row1_col1" group="Map" >
         <param name="height">650px</param>
         <param name="mapStyles">splunk,roadmap,terrain,satellite</param>
         <param name="mapType">satellite</param>
         <param name="mapTypeControl">on</param>
         <param name="scrollwheel">on</param>
         <param name="drilldown">true</param>

                    <module name="ConvertToIntention">
                        <param name="settingToConvert">maps.drilldown</param>
                        <param name="intention">
                            <param name="name">stringreplace</param>
                            <param name="arg">
                                <param name="c_ip">
                                    <param name="value">$target$</param>
                        <module name="ViewRedirector">
                            <param name="viewTarget">MapDrill</param>
0 Karma


OK, I gave up and cheated. In the GoogleMaps module I put a hidden search that captured the clicked IP and ran the search that I wanted on the second dashboard. Then I used outputlookup to a temp CSV file and redirected to my second dashboard. There I simply used inputlookup on the temp CSV file and got what I want.

Sometimes you just have to cheat.

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