Hi all!
I've populated a table dynamically based on a drop down a user can manipulate using...
| inputlookup
[| rest /services/saved/searches
| fields title
| search title=*$userInput$*.c
| eval check=replace(title,"\.c",".csv")
| return $check]
Additionally I can extrapolate each column into a dropdown using...
| inputlookup
[| rest /services/saved/searches
| fields title
| search title=*$userInput$*.c
| eval check=replace(title,"\.c",".csv")
| return $check]
| eval value=
[| inputlookup
[| rest /services/saved/searches
| fields title
| search title=*$userInput$*.c
| eval check=replace(title,"\.c",".csv")
| return $check]
| transpose
| fields column
| streamstats count(column) as order
| where order = 2
| return $column]
| fields value
| table value
| stats values(value) as value
| mvexpand value
by varying order = #
The issue I'm running into now is pairing the drop down, the drop down with a set token of "filter1"
Run within
| inputlookup
[| rest /services/saved/searches
| fields title
| search title=*$userInput$*.c
| eval check=replace(title,"\.c",".csv")
| return $check]
| search
[| inputlookup
[| rest /services/saved/searches
| fields title
| search title=*$userInput$*.c
| eval check=replace(title,"\.c",".csv")
| return $check]
| head 1
| table *
| transpose
| head 1
| return $column] = $filter1$
The token is not functioning and will not populate in the query, while other tokens will. I've additionally confirmed the query works, just not when used with tokens within a dashboard.
To summarize, the overall goal is to provide 4-6 drop downs and a table. Based on the initial user request, this table would populate with data, and each drop down would then be able to further filter data, with the field names and values all varying.
If something isn't clear please ask and I'd be glad to provide, been banging my head against this one for awhile lol.
I was able to resolve this via hidden searches within a dashboard.
I tokenized the lookup table based on a user dropdown, which then ran ~5 searches based on that, returning the tokenized objects I needed.
I was able to resolve this via hidden searches within a dashboard.
I tokenized the lookup table based on a user dropdown, which then ran ~5 searches based on that, returning the tokenized objects I needed.
Have you tried using token modifiers?
| return $column] = $filter1|s$