Dashboards & Visualizations

Duplicate values on dropdown multiselect input

Path Finder

Hello All,

I keep getting duplicates on my values for multiselect dropdown. I made sure my fields were correct the - field for name and field for values and query on the search.  Not sure what else I need to check for. My source below... Any advise is welcome. 


<input type="multiselect" token="tok_space_name" searchWhenChanged="true">

      <label>Select Space</label>

      <choice value="*">All</choice>






      <delimiter> OR </delimiter>

      <fieldForLabel>Select Space</fieldForLabel>



        <query>index="lll_soruceIdx.idx"  | stats values(space_name) as space_name | mvexpand space_name</query>







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Your '<fieldForLabel> should be a field in the data from your search to use as the visible dropdown, not the text

'Space Label', so change it to space_name

Also your search is probably better as

| stats count by space_name 

so you don't first collapse all spaces and then expand them again.


0 Karma


Could you try adding below command as well in the end of the search query. This should remove any duplicate entries for space_name

| dedup space_name 



Vikas Jha

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