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Display results from "yesterday" when calculating standard deviation over the past 30 days

Path Finder


Here's the search string I'm using to calculate stdev over the last 30 days:

| tstats count where index=* by host, _time span=1d
| eventstats avg(count) as avg stdev(count) as stdev by host
| eval lowerBound=(avg-stdev*exact(2)), upperBound=(avg+stdev*exact(2))
| eval isOutlier=if(count < lowerBound OR count > upperBound, 1, 0)
| where isOutlier=1

My goal is to have this run as a report at 0600 everyday. I'm looking to display the results only from the previous day.

Any guidance would be fantastic.


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1 Solution


This is a super easy fix, because your code is preserving the _time field:

| tstats count where index=* by host, _time span=1d
| eventstats avg(count) as avg stdev(count) as stdev by host
| eval lowerBound=(avg-stdev*exact(2)), upperBound=(avg+stdev*exact(2)) 
| eval isOutlier=if(count < lowerBound OR count > upperBound, 1, 0)
| where isOutlier=1 AND _time>=relative_time(now(), "-1d@d")

View solution in original post

0 Karma


This is a super easy fix, because your code is preserving the _time field:

| tstats count where index=* by host, _time span=1d
| eventstats avg(count) as avg stdev(count) as stdev by host
| eval lowerBound=(avg-stdev*exact(2)), upperBound=(avg+stdev*exact(2)) 
| eval isOutlier=if(count < lowerBound OR count > upperBound, 1, 0)
| where isOutlier=1 AND _time>=relative_time(now(), "-1d@d")
0 Karma

Path Finder


I'm still getting results for the current day as well as yesterday.

0 Karma


Ah, sure. Sorry. Here's a fix:

| tstats count where index=* by host, _time span=1d
| eventstats avg(count) as avg stdev(count) as stdev by host
| eval lowerBound=(avg-stdev*exact(2)), upperBound=(avg+stdev*exact(2)) 
| eval isOutlier=if(count < lowerBound OR count > upperBound, 1, 0)
| where isOutlier=1 AND _time>=relative_time(now(), "-1d@d") AND _time<relative_time(now(), "@d")
0 Karma

Path Finder

Nailed it.

0 Karma
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