I am working on spkunk 6.2 and I have created a pie chart under splunk dashboard as a panel. Ineed to display the value against each pie in chart.
Is there a way to achieve it?
search_string| chart count(username) by application
Above query creates pie chart having information of application. But, it does not have count value for every application. Can you please help in adding the count value against application name in the chart?
... | stats count(username) as count by application| eval pie_slice = count + " " + username | fields pie_slice, count
... | stats count(username) as count by application| eval pie_slice = count + " " + username | fields pie_slice, count
Can anyone provide some useful answer?
I have got the solution.
... | stats count(username) as count by application| eval pie_slice = count + " " + username | fields pie_slice, count
that's the answer I am referring ...
Hi @ggangwar,
try this:
<option name="charting.chart.showPercent">true</option>
refer this answer: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/71090/how-to-display-the-count-in-piechart-as-labels.html
This gives wrong value. It does not display the value of pie but some other percentage.