Ahoy together,
i currently have a problem with a view i created. I intentionally created it with Simple XML to create a report afterwards. Additionally i have a drop-down-menu to select different IP-Subnets for my view.
Is there a possibility to create multiple reports for this view and give these reports the different values for the drop-down-menu, so they display the filtered data?
At the moment i can only get one report running and that one only displays the whole data, without the filters i selected via the drop-down-menu.
I already tried to find the file where this report is stored, but the one i found was $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/users/admin/search/local/savedsearches.conf and it didn't matter whether i edited it or not.
I appreciate your help!
You can find good examples in this app:
Thanks for the hint, seems like a really helpful app/tutorial, for beginners. Unfortunately it doesn't help me much with my problem.
Anyway, thanks again!